5 Things to Keep in Mind While Playing With Your Cat

It seems simple to play with your cat but in reality, it is more complicated [...]

Why Do People Always Prefer Cats Over Dogs

Having a pet is definitely an extremely personal choice and which animal to have as [...]

COVID-19 In Cats

An important issue that is making the headlines these days is coronavirus also known as [...]

A Guide To Take Care Of A Newborn Kitten

Taking care of a newborn kitten is very difficult and challenging and is a huge [...]

Overfeeding Pets Can Be Harmful

Overeating is harmful not only in humans but in pets too. Chubby and oversized pets [...]

5 Things You Should Never Do As a Cat Owner

Leaving your cats outdoors unsupervised: Do not leave your cat outdoors unsupervised. Your indoor kitten [...]

The Yearly Expense of Keeping a Pet

Having a pet can be really exciting and thrilling for the pet owners but we [...]

6 Common Cat Diseases in Pakistan

For every pet owner, a pet is more of a family member than an animal, [...]